I remember reflecting on an opportunity I had recently, and wondering if saying "yes" to it way back then was the right choice. It was my dream opportunity. There was glitter and gold all over it. In hindsight, I did in fact hesitate initially because not every aspect of the opportunity matched with my checklist (do you have one of those? now is a good time to create it) -- but, in full enthusiasm and intentionality to take every opportunity, I said "yes".
Presently, I've been offered another opportunity that sounds amazing. Last year, I would have excitedly rushed towards it. But this time, it feels less appealing simply because of where I am with my goals and in my journey.
So, I made an effort to try out what it felt like to say "no". If opportunities didn't align with my goals or give me the most peace, I didn't hesitate to politely walk away. And, it worked.
I noticed that life has a way of making room for us when we know where we’re going and have the actions to match (prioritizing your goals and what brings you joy, & being courageous enough to apply wisdom in saying yes or saying no).
If you’re currently at a place in your life where you’re discerning if certain opportunities are for you, this halfway mark of the year is perfect for refocusing on your goals.Before you say yes, ask yourself if an opportunity lines up with your goal.
Here are 4 reflective questions to considerbefore you grab an opportunity (that glitters and looks like gold):
- Does this support my priorities and align with my calling?
- Does this opportunity excite me?
- What is my intention behind this and what can I give or gain?
- Will this opportunity stretch me beyond my limits and do I have the capacity for it?
I have to admit that there was a certain point where I was glued to the word “yes”. I’d say yes to every opportunity that came my way. No matter how or if it interrupted my goals. At the time, saying yes felt good. It felt like the one caveat to growth that I needed to master in order to propel my career forward. I didn’t want to limit myself. For a while, this made so much sense…I was learning and growing in my craft. But truth be told, a lot of those opportunities just didn’t work for me — and I felt the impact later.
If the answer is no to these questions, or you've come up short with your intentions, then perhaps it's okay move on with grace. For me, my intention was to learn as much as I could in my new career field. Do you know what your intentions are with each opportunity?