You have to be aggressive. These words that my mother spoke to me days ago rang in my head until they finally struck a chord.
If you're hitting some turbulence right now be aggressive in getting through it. Hearing my mother tell me: "the deeper you allow your circumstance to consume you, the harder it will be rise. You have to be aggressive." was an awakening for me.
Many times we get discouraged, distracted, and fall deeper into our circumstance and we miss the fact that while the victory is already won, it is completely up to us to be aggressive and step into what God has for us.
pursuing one's aims and interests forcefully, sometimes unduly so.
- Pray (without ceasing): Position yourself in such a posture that allows you to speak to God and hear from Him. Maybe for you, this is stepping away from distractions (like social media or certain friendships/relationships).
- Seek God: Immerse yourself in His word and in worship. You'll find that He speaks to you in this way. Learn more about who He is -- His character, His ways, and what He's already done.
- Surround yourself with a community of believers: Find people who are eager to pour into you, and who are able to guide you in your journey.
You have to realize that more aggression equals less fear. When aggression meets purpose you'll find that you can't easily be defeated. You'll have a desire to constantly push harder until something great happens. Imagine how unstoppable you'd be if you never took no for an answer, ignored nay-sayers, and consistently pressed forward in His presence? Whooo! Praise break, praise break!
As my friends and I like to say: no excuses -- just results! ;)
"...you should simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning...Keep it up. Better yet, redouble your efforts. Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God. That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God Himself willing and working at what will give Him the most pleasure." - Philippians 2:13