Monday, April 27, 2015

London Blues

Y'all. My former flatmate made the mistake of telling me she was a photographer and asked me to pose for her portfolio...little did she know....tehe.. We found the perfect blue wall next too our flat which matched perfectly with my blue outfit!

Ah. But first and foremost, my apologies! I have been completely MIA from social media. Some of you sweet people have contacted me to figure out what in the world has happened to my social media presence. Bless you!

A lot of you actually have no idea what I'm doing in here London. School would be the answer. Yes, y'all. School has succeeded in kidnapping me and hiding me away from life. My head has literally been in the books, and I've actually spent several nights in the library burning the midnight oil over the past several months. Sigh. But now that finals are over, I'm baaackkk!!! Expect to see (and read) much, much more of me :D

Over these next few months, I'll be exploring Londontown, parts of Europe, and sharing my experiences with you all. I hope you enjoy!


Outfit details:
Not much detail here..all remixed bits and pieces :)
Denim button down: thrifted, Crossroad, Old Town Pasadena
Black Lace Bandeau: some neighborhood boutique in Los Angeles
Blue Drawstring Trousers: Forever 21, Los Angeles, Similar Here


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