Over the last few weeks, I've become extremely intentional about finding joy unspeakable.
I've made out time for things like retail therapy, travelling across the country, brunch with friends, and simple girl's night (gathering with friends who make me laugh). And to be honest, I've felt happier (a short-term emotion).
I realize that joy unspeakable simply comes from spending quality time with the one who loves you the most, who gives you strength, provides for you, gives you hope, and yearns for you to cast your cares on him.
True joy is long lasting. It has no time constraints and it's a feeling you experience regardless of your circumstance.
I've been resting in God's love and practicing loving Him out loud. In spending quality time with Him, I've found that I'm consumed by joy unspeakable (in spite of any [good or bad] circumstance). The secret to finding this joy is realizing you are absolutely and truly loved, accepted, and valued by the One who created all.
Now let me be real...I did not just wake up one morning, smacked with this realization...It took lots of time and more tears. I'm still growing and still learning to find my joy completely in Him...but I always find solace in knowing that this unique level of happiness is attainable.
"When you bask in His love, you experience a wellspring of joy bubbling up in your heart. And since the world didn't give you this joy--the world can't take it away."
What I'm Wearing:
Black Hat: H&M
Coat: H&M
Black Cropped Top: H&M
Pleated Skirt: (I've actually had this for some time so I don't remember!)
Black Pumps: Charles David (via Nordstrom)
Photography by: Melissa C. Olguin | @melcolguin
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